We provide cover to high risk workers: important to highlight how investment performance, low fees and high-risk insurance cover can impact your financial wellbeing.
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Hi <%= recipient.firstName %>,
We’re sorry to see that you’ve recently closed your account. In making your decision to move to
(fund name) we thought it was important to highlight how investment performance, low fees and high-risk insurance cover can impact your financial wellbeing.
More for you in retirement
Year after year, our default investment option, Growth (MySuper), has performed better than the industry average1. Compare our performance over the past 1, 5 and 10 years and see the difference it makes.
Investment Options
1 Year
5 years
10 years
Growth (MySuper)
SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index
Cbus Outperformance2
Save with lower fees
We’re an industry fund, so we keep all fees as low as possible. We only charge the administration and investment fees needed to run your account.
Below, you can compare our fees for the Growth (MySuper) investment option against other super funds. Based on a $50,000 balance, every year you could save up to
$305 in fees compared to the average retail super fund3.
We provide cover to high risk workers
We understand the risks of working in the building, construction and allied industries. That’s why we offer tailored insurance options to suit you and your job and keep you covered.
Many typical building and construction jobs which are physically demanding, involve working from heights or are part of a hazardous industry may be restricted or excluded from automatic insurance cover offered by other funds. If this sounds like you, Cbus may be the only option or one of few options to obtain insurance cover.
Call the Cbus team on 1300 361 784 (option 4) if you have any questions about Cbus’s investment performance,
fees or insurance cover, we’ll always be here for you.
We can also help you join Cbus, it’s easy.
Speak to a Cbus Adviser to discuss your circumstances and join Cbus.
SuperRatings does not
issue, sell, guarantee or underwrite this product. Go to www.superratings.com.au
for details of its ratings criteria. For further information about
the methodology used by Chant West, see www.chantwest.com.au.
Cbus Trustee: United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 Cbus ABN 75 493 363 262.
1Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The return for the Growth (MySuper) option is based on the crediting rate, which is returns minus investment fees, taxes and until 31 January 2020, the percentage-based administration fee. Excludes fees and costs that are deducted directly from members account.
2Source: Cbus internal Net Benefit modelling, using SuperRatings SMART data as at 31/12/2020. Comparison of Cbus internal Net Benefit modelling prediction of 10 year balance difference between Cbus Growth (MySuper) and SR50 Balanced (60 – 76) index. This analysis takes into account historical investment returns and fees, excluding contribution, entry, exit and additional adviser fees. Assumptions include a pre-tax salary of $80,000 with 9.5% contributions over 10 years and a starting balance of $50,000
3This information was calculated using data taken from SuperRatings’ Smart Database as at 1 January 2021. Total fee is based on the account-keeping fee, asset-based fee and investment fee and Indirect Cost Ratio (ICR). These calculations are across all products, including those with different asset allocations to Cbus default option. Investment fees typically differ based upon asset allocation, and this may account for some of the difference in fees.
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This information is about Cbus. It doesn’t take into account your specific needs, so you should look at your own financial position, objectives and requirements before making any financial decisions. Read the relevant Cbus Product Disclosure Statement and related documents to decide whether Cbus is right for you.
Contact 1300 361 784 or visit
for a copy.
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